[(Outcast of Redwall )] [Author - Brian Jacques] [Sep-2004]


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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rian rainey
This was not my favorite Redwall book, it was actually my least favorite, but I still loved it. Part of the reason it was my least favorite was that Bryony really got on my nerves. Now Skarlath, on the other hand, is the best character in any BJ book, even cooler than Martin (now, fans, please don't get mad at me, Martin rules too!). But I thought that the ending was kind of anticlimatic, in that Bryony still thought Veil was a villain, even though he THREW HIMSELF IN FRONT OF A JAVELIN TO SAVE HER. I mean, he was a bad guy, but she should have given him some credit for dying for her. I don't think it was necessary for Skarlath to die. They could have killed off Bryony.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mayra hernandez
This is an EEEEEXXXXCITING book.
This book was written for people who love animals and gore. I think this book was the best ever.
All people should read this book since it's such a descriptive book.
I hope you will read this book!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Outcast of Redwall is a wonderful book, though it has been talke dabotu in chats that Sunflash was pictured all to invinceably, though some may not agree. It lives up to the standards of all redwall books.
Outcast of Redwall :: How a Con Man and a Forger Rewrote the History of Modern Art :: Vampire Girl 2: Midnight Star :: Vampire Girl 4: Moonlight Prince :: Mariel of Redwall by Brian Jacques (2000-03-01)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I lllllllllooooooooooooooovvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeddddddd this book. Out of every Redwall book I have ever read (all of them), this book is my favorite. My favorite character is Sunflash the Mace. When I read about him, it makes me think of a giant game of golf, the way he whacks those vermin of Swartt's. I recommend this book to anyone who has or has not read this reccomendation. Reader's, tell your friend's!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
How Mr. Jacques made the book so interesting. I couldn't put this book down. What I really liked about this book was how it was so different from the rest of the Redwall books I have read. It was different because in the other Redwall books people just went out and fought battles, but in this book the Redwallers let in a baby ferret in to the Abbey. When the ferret grew up, he was made an outcast because of a terrible crime. That's mainly why I liked the book so much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My children and I found the book to be wonderful & fasinating. I had a hard time putting it down at times. I usually read to my children at night before bed and they loved the animals in the book, especially the evil Ferret (Swart Sixclaw) and the good Baddger (Sunflash the Mace). Many times a ten minute story would result in an hours reading time. The book was delightful. I recomend it to anyone with children or those looking for a different type of book to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katherine williford
This story about a orphan bager and his kestrel friend,Skarleth.mean while at the abbey, Veil, the ferret was sent out of the for almost killing a abbey creature.Brian Jacques,stars still on this book and many others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peter gulliver
Brian Jacques has done it agin, with the Outcast of Redwall. He captures the struggle between Sunflash the Mace, and Swartt Sixclaw, two sworn enemies. Also, Jacques weaves the tale of Veil, the son of Swartt, and the question is raised- will the abbey dwellers of Redwall, who adopt Veil, be able to make Veil one of them? Read the book to find out, it is excellent.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
juliebell gallant
Once more we revisit the redwall series... and this time it is one time to many. The book runs into the problem of being predictable. It is much to similar to the other books in the series. The plot is lacking in many places and it just seems to go on for the sake of filling up more pages with text. While some of the other books were intresting, this book falls flat on it's face.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book is about Sunflash the Mace(badger) and his friend Skarlath(kestrel)and the creatures they meet on their journey to destroy their enemy Swartt Sixclaw(ferret). While Sunflash and Skarlath are going after Swartt, Redwall gets a new occupant named Veil. Find out what Veil does to Redwall Abbey's inhabitants! It was not the best in the series but a good read nonetheless.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my favorite book from the fabulous Redwall series and I am presently reading it for the third time. My favorite characters were Sunflash the Mace, Togget, and Bryony. I really felt sorry for Bryony when Veil was outcast, but happy when he saved her in the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my favorite book from the fabulous Redwall series and I am presently reading it for the third time. My favorite characters were Sunflash the Mace, Togget, and Bryony. I really felt sorry for Bryony when Veil was outcast, but happy when he saved her in the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex mcchesney
Graced with Bright, vivid characters, rollicking good action,
and A deep, touching story. Outcast made a permanent
impression on me, only the best of Tolkien, Adams,
and Bakker can compare. This is Brian Jacques best Redwall
title yet. Definitly recommended!!
Please Rate[(Outcast of Redwall )] [Author - Brian Jacques] [Sep-2004]
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